Sunday 27 June 2010


Just came back from a random walk around the site, and ended up being accosted by a swarm of kazoo-playing bumble bees, which wasn't altogether as unpleasant as it sounds, and was nearly run over by a marching band playing from Jungle Book. You know the one. About walking like you, talking like you oooh-ooohoooh-oooh. That one.

There would be pictures, but the network is on a go slow, so I'll just have to upload them a bit later.

Bumped into a squad of Zombie morris dancers, two kangaroos that were too fast for me to photograph and experienced the utter insanity of Shangri-la, which I don't know. It's like one of those streets you see in films, when they show like market scenes that are supposed to be in an Arabian country, but are actually in a studio in L.A, but if instead of slightly pushy salesmen, it's populated by slightly scary artists who have something to say about humanity, but you aren't quite smart enough to understand it.

It's funny, it's scary, it's anarchic and there's just nothing quite like it.

Spotted this guy who'd found a novel way to get to the bar in Arcadia, and some dyslexic England fans walking through the crowd with 'NEGLNAD' written on their chests. Honestly, if you're going to do that, at least walk together and ensure that you're spelling the right word at all times.

Arcadia is like a different place in the day time. Less nightmare-ish and because there's not quite so much going on, it's a quiet place to grab food and drink without having to queue for seven hours.

Oh wow, look at the time. It's almost Slash o'clock. How did that happen?

I can't wait. Sorry, England. Please forgive me, and win your game. But I really, really need a Slash.

Har har.

Hey, if I don't update again, you'll know he's whisked me off in his arms. 


Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm rooting for NEGLNAD too.