Monday, 18 April 2011

The squeeeeeeee factor?

When I gleefully reported that there was actually an act I was excited about playing, I wasn't really intending it to be the only one I was excited about. I've looked through the line up, and...well..aside from Flogging Molly, I'm pretty much missing the 'squeeeeeee' factor.

Pendulum... I could /sort/ of get excited about, but only if they promise to do Master of Puppets and nothing else for an hour and a half, which seems pretty unlikely, somehow. Queens of the Stone Age on the Other...I could go for some of that,  Flogging Molly will be carnage on the Avalon Stage, and...erm...aside from the local bands - Josh Thorner and The New Joe Public, MaybeMyrtleTyrtle (not local, but they're at Glastonbury so much they might as well be) and my wild card, Chicken Shed Zeppelin.

MaybeMyrtleTyrtle. Can't spell, can bang out a tune.

Course, there will be the mass singalong-an-American Pie on Sunday, which is almost worth the ticket fee on it's own.

What is it now, eight weeks, or something? I guess it wouldn't hurt me to check out some Wu Tang Clan o- ..actually, I can't. Even saying Wu Tang Clan in my head made me feel very, very old and incredibly middle class.

No Wurzels. Boooo.

No Kings of Leon! Yay!

OK, so not too bothered about most of the line-up, but omigawd totally can't wait. A distinct lack of having to rush from stage to stage suddenly opens up a weekend of exploring the Green Fields, the cabaret tent, hanging around Shangri-la, vegging out at the stone circle and tentatively lurking around Arcadia and hoping not to be noticed by one of the scary people there, or chased by a robot chicken.

Tickets sold out again on Sunday for the second time, with those you didn't get them limping away to lick their wounds and then inexplicably turn up on forums a short time later complaining that the festival is way too commercial and how it's sold out and the line-up's rubbish anyway and they're going to go to some underground festival that's so cool you've never even heard of it.

Glastonbury's so mainstream. I'm going to a festival that's so obscure it hasn't even got a name yet.
I do feel bad for the people who don't get tickets. I remember one year sitting at home and pressing refresh, while simultaneously hitting redial on a phone until 5am and somehow losing my temper at Jo Whiley who was on the radio at the time, reassuring people that tickets were still on sale and to keep trying. There's nothing quite like that frustration, and I'll never forget the drunk, dizzy sense of relief when I finally got through to book my tickets (followed by falling asleep, face down on my desk at work, since by that point it was about 11am and I'd been at it for the best part of 12 hours.)

AND! Most exciting of all, with the launch of the line-up, and officially counting down, the blog has an exciting new look. Ooooooooh. Look at it, all shiny and brand-spanking new. Isn't it beautiful?

Yes, yes it is.

A squeeeee factor helps, but it's not essential. It's Glastonbury, and I'm officially over-excited already.


Anonymous said...

One day there'll be an over abundance of Squeee and you'll be so excited you come full circle and spend the whole festival staring blankly, emotions spent.

Or you would, if Arcadia wasn't so freakin' awesome.

Laura said...

There's no such thing as too much squee!