Thursday, 19 May 2011

The final countdown (diddledooodooo, diddledoodoodooo...)

Is all this hot weather making anyone else nervous?

Yes, let's not jinx it, shall we?

The fence has gone up, and the site is slowly being assembled, like some sort of mad meccano project and the bins and loos are being their traditional fresh lick of paint just in time for everyone to spill noodles and burgers over, and graffiti to death.

Squee! The fence is going up! Yay!
It's been a freakishly hot and dry spring. While we've managed a couple of rainstorms over the last two weeks, today it's bright, and sunny and there's blue skies. The Daily Mail says we're due another two weeks of hot weather and I'm beginning to worry that we're getting too much nice weather now, and therefore, it is going to pelt down at Glastonbury.

Hello Glaston-berry!
All-around-festival-veteran, Battle-of-the-Bands-legend and apparently-an-amateur-meteorologist Ollie tells me I am being daft. He dismisses my concern with a very knowlegable 'Naaah, it's gonna bake, again' in a tone of voice that's so convincing that for at least three seconds, I believe him entirely. His belief stems from the fact that 'it was like this last year, don't you remember?' and is backed up by links to websites where farmers are worrying about a dry summer, and people suggesting we're due for a 1976-style drought. Hopefully without the burgundy flares.

..I really hope that's not my dad.

Give him his due, Ollie was right last year, and while I was digging out wellies and waterproofs, he was packing a sunhat and shorts, despite my horror that he was going to jinx it for everyone. In other news, Ollie is intending to cycle to the festival this year, which will guarantee us either a complete heatwave, or torrential rains, thunderstorms and the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

That can't be good.
The first rule of festivals: if any one person does not bring their wellies to the event, it /will/ rain. You absolutely must pack them. Yes, it's a bit of extra luggage, but dammit, take one for the team.

Talking of which, the lovely people at Crocs have one again gifted me with a very snazzy pair of Wellies, and a set of trainers, which combined with last years flip-flops should see me in good stead.

Away from the site itself, the traditional   preparations for the festival are now well underway. Orange has released their Glastonbury Festival App, line-ups are being released and a Gallagher brother is throwing his traditional pre-Glastonbury huff. It's..five weeks? Something like that, anyway. Time to start watching the weather forecast and panic-buying edgy t-shirts.

...oh, lets have a bit of hair metal to get us in the mood, shall we?


ollie said...

Four cyclists of the apocalypse, surely...

The said...

Your so smart it's getting exciting and there is definatley something in the air lots of weird vehicles that look like old horse boxes and buses in the lanes and the like.