Friday, 27 May 2011

A month! ..ish.

Oooh, it's sort of almost a month to go.  I've just spent the last half hour trying desperately to find a song about four weeks, but all I could find was the Barenaked Ladies One Week, so humour me, and play the damn thing four times so I didn't waste my time entirely.

So, we've survived The Rapture, and it's all systems go for Glastonbury. Line-ups are being revealed so quickly I can't keep up with them - apparently we narrowly avoiding seeing Prince on the Pyramid. Hard-Fi will be playing which rather a lot of people seem to be very excited about, Lily Allen's going to be honeymooning at teh festival, Greenpeace will be setting up a recording studio and the BBC are already being shouted at by the Daily Mail for announcing they'll be taking 400 people to cover the festival.


(The Gazette/Journal/Times team? We're taking 11.)

Tried out my brand-spanking new Crocs at a recent barbecue - it was just like a mini Glastonbury - sitting in camping chairs, hanging onto a gazebo as the wind tried to carry it off, the smell of beefburgers, my ear drums being assaulted by a load of bands I hadn't heard of, while getting drunk and hoping the rain kept off. I'm taken with the Crocs, already. They are ridiculously comfortable and so springy that I accidentally leapt, gazelle-like up a couple of concrete steps and was taken entirely by surprise. I can't wait to give them a proper run at the festival and see how they hold up.

Not surprising trainers. Somewhat surprising wellies.
 The Crocs wellies are pretty awesome - although, slightly terrifyingly, they are a size 9. My feet are not usually size nine. Crocs wanted to know if I wanted a particular colour, and I said I wasn't picky, and to surprise me. They sent me white, with a pale green and pastel yellow animal print motif. I must admit that was somewhat surprising.

Hopefully, I won't need to wear them, but they're light as a feather and more comfortable than any boot has a right to be, and if it does rain, they'll be the perfect accompaniment to a see-through pink bin-bag with a hood.
Luckily, neon is in this year.
So, the fence is up, the Pyramid is being skinned as we speak, tickets are being sent out to the chosen 140,000 and any day now the roads will be full of lorries bringing those lovely, brightly coloured toilets to the festival site and the highways transformed by the gentle rumble of brightly coloured falafel and Ostrich burger vans heading for Worthy Farm. Bring on the unwashed masses.


Anonymous said...

Neon is in? At last! You all called me crazy and 'dude stop swinging that umbrella around inside'!

...also those are VERY surprising. But I'm more wary about the trainers. the 'Attenzione' sign is worrying.

Anonymous said...

Lots of weired vans about with chimneys and proper front doors quirky really